Polo Match

Polo Match

When I was in High School I took Spanish 1 with Senora Amour.

Senora Amour, despite her name, was a grouchy and unpleasant Spanish teacher who mostly screamed at us about verb conjugation and pretty much lost my interest during week one. I retained very little from that class except for one  thing. I know all the capitals of all the countries in South America.

Not totally sure how this prepared me for life, but one day Senora Amour came into class in a rare good mood, turned on her Casio keyboard to a computerized backbeat and taught us a rap about the countries and their capitals. It was informative and quite catchy and 15 years later I can still recite it for you. My favorite country in that rap (and I bet most kids in that class would agree) was Buenos Aires, Argentina. When you got to Buenos Aires, Argentina that rap started to speed up plus it was impossible to say Buenos Aires, Argentina without sounding accented and thoroughly latin. It made the capital city forever cool in my mind.

Which is why when I left for the airport last week, and when I bought my trashy magazines for in-flight reading, and when I had my layover in Houston and then sat for 10 more hours on a plane, I couldn’t help but chant the line over and over to myself… I was headed to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Senora Amour would be so proud!

Latin Lovers

Latin Lovers

Dave had to go “down south” for a work trip and through some schedule finagling and the love of my two older sisters (who graciously helped with our boys) I was able to sneak down and meet him there. Beunos Aires, or “BA” as the cool kids call it looks like what would happen if Paris and Barcelona had a love child. It’s loud and lively and full of the warmest, kindest (and let’s be honest) sexiest, people I’ve ever met!

Horse of Course

Horse of Course

On our last day in town my new Argentinean friends took us to watch them play polo and then threw an Asado in our honor. In case you don’t jet down to Argentina for lazy Sunday’s each weekend I will tell you that an Asadao is their version of a barbecue accompanied by every type of meat you could ever imagine and Malbec flowing like the Nile.

Lamb Chop

Lamb Chop

Nice to Meat You

Nice to Meat You

The afternoon was absolutely perfect! Dave and I got to ride horses and watch a polo match (which incidentally might be the sexiest sport ever invented!) and then we sat around in the sunshine out in the country and ate until we thought we might burst.

Little Nibbles

Little Nibbles

Pan con Chorizo

Pan con Chorizo



Afternoon Affair

Afternoon Affair

I love to travel. Each year my only resolution is that I get a new stamp in my passport, which is easier said then done when you have three kids. I am so thankful I was able to visit a new place, to make so many new friends and to experience the culture and not just the touristy locales. Here’s a little of my terrible spanish to wrap it all up…

Mi Vida es muy chic y te amo Beunos Aires, Argenita.

What Happens After Too Much Malbec

What Happens After Too Much Malbec