Leather Monograms

I was flipping through a catalogue recently and they were selling these really cool leather monograms. I loved them on sight and thought to myself, Self we’re totally buying those monograms! And then I looked at the price… $150, PER LETTER. After I recovered from my small heart attack I had a thought, surely I could make my own version for a lot less. 

And so, this post is all about how to make your own DIY Leather Monogram. We made ours with thumbtacks which admittedly wasn’t a fast process, but was the best way to get the studded affect we were going for. If you don’t have quite as much time you could hot glue some silver tabs around the edges.

How to Make a Leather Monogram

 Display your diy leather monograms by leaning them against the wall on a mantle or book shelf. So cute!

Leather Monogram over Fireplace