If we were friends in real life, or part of a book club let’s say, then you would know that I have a big, huge, reader crush on Colleen Hoover. If you read the kind of books I read, then you totally get why I heart her so much. You will also understand why I made a Diet Pepsi Cocktail that I have affectionately dubbed “The Colleen Hoover”. Why a Diet Pepsi Cocktail? Because I know from excellent social media stalking that Colleen loves Diet Pepsi. Why Colleen Hoover as inspiration? I don’t know, go read a book called Hopeless and then ask yourself if the real question isn’t why everything isn’t named after her. ~Rachel
Start with ice in your shaker. Then add all the other ingredients per the recipe below.
Now, make like Swifty and Shake it Off!
Pour your cocktail over ice then top with Diet Pepsi.
Garnish with a cherry… or two!