One of my favorite books ever is The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley. I talk about it all the time and I’ve recommended it to so many friends who end up sending me emotional texts at two o’clock in the morning because they’re so in love and upset by the book. Seriously, here is a recent example:
The thing is, the book is SUPER emotional and the first time I read it I was eating an Oreo McFlurry and pregnant and I got a little bit hysterical… it was one big cookie-covered mess! So, when I wanted to create a cocktail just for Susanna, it had to be Oreo flavored because that’s what I always associate with her… I mean, that and incredible writing (obviously!) Watch the video to see how I made my Cookies and Cream Cocktail and then scroll down for the recipe to make your own! ~Rachel
Start by crushing up some Oreo’s for the rim of your martini.
Now it’s time to mix the liqueurs in your shaker with some ice!
Now shake it up!
Garnish your cookies and cream cocktail with a cookie on the rim and enjoy!