Weigh This Featured

I am so touched by all of your responses to the post I wrote for the #WeighThis campaign and our partnership with Lean Cuisine. I love to hear that so many of you are getting behind the idea that you should, I should– we all should be “weighing” ourselves on things other than our weight! 

When I asked readers what they wished people would weigh them on the responses on social media, email and our comments section were overwhelming. Here are some of my favorites!

I love this post so much! The older I get the more I realize that I am defined by so much more than a number on a scale. I would like to be weighed on my strength of character, my want to help others, my bookworm tendencies, my love of dessert, my marriage and my four kiddos. – JB #WeighThis

Weigh me on my mothering skills, weigh me on my constant desire to satisfy little people’s needs before my own. Weigh me on my children’s happiness and their feelings of self-worth from having a mom that makes them a priority! – CM #WeighThis

I want to be weighed for my last place victories. After losing a lot of weight and starting my “athletic career” late in life, I found that I am champion at showing up, doing the training, and helping other women who dream to start running that the back of the race has just as shiny medals as the front. – CC #WeighThis

I would love to be weighed on my ability to handle life. The unending stresses of life as a mom, as a single mom to four children. My ability to laugh at the little things, and even the big things, because in the end they’re all little things. – KM #WeighThis

Weigh me on my pancake making skills, my hug giving, my laugh, my concern and kindness towards others, my effort and love for my son, my ability to put clothes together that u could never expect to go, my makeup and hair skills on others with no training, my ability to capture great moments on camera. – RT #WeighThis

Readers, these are just a small snippet of the awesome things that you want to be weighed on. If you have the time, I encourage you to read through the rest of the comments on our Facebook page or in the original post. There are so many special, wonderful amazing things about you and not one of them has anything to do with the numbers on your scale. xo, Rachel