Y’all Happy Prime Day !! If you don’t know what Prime Day is, it’s an annual shopping day that Amazon hosts where you can get AMAZING deals on the things you want (think Black Friday but you get to shop from the comfort of your home and in your jammies). I’m not a huge shopper by any means but I do love a good deal. So, if you’ve already been eyeing something I suggest you check out Amazon today to see if you can get a discount on it. I’ve curated a list of all my favorite deals that I think you guys will love! Check them out below and tag me on social to let me know what you’re getting this Prime Day! 


  1. Under Armour Apparel– GUYS! You can save up to 40% off right now on all Under Armour apparel, shoes, all the things. Don’t get me wrong, I love my lululemon and adidas but sometimes that just isn’t in the budget. If you’re on a health journey or are already a gym warrior then I would stock up today on some new athletic wear. You don’t need special clothes for the gym. But I will say it definitely motivates me when I know I get to put on my new cute gym shirt!
  2. Nespresso Espresso Maker– We have one of these at The Hollis Co headquarters and our team LOVES it. Sometimes you need need that afternoon pick-me-up and you can’t break the bank with a Starbs. If you grab this guy today, you’ll save over $90! If you’re ready to upgrade your coffee pot at home I highly, highly recommend this one.
  3. Oil Diffuser – One of my goals this year was perfecting my self-care routine. Let me just tell you, if you haven’t taken a bath with an oil diffuser and a La Croix + vodka in your hand… sis, you are missing out. It’s also amazing to have if you have those sniffles from seasonal allergies. LOVE this one!
  4. Vital Proteins Powder -This is SO GOOD! I get so many questions from you guys about what I put in my green smoothie (there’s a whole blog post about it). This powder is one of the main ingredients and it is my favorite. If you already have your own favorite smoothie then I suggest adding a scoop of this to it! It’s great for joints, tendons, and keeps your skin and hair looking pretty!
  5. Girl, Stop Apologizing ebook – If you haven’t heard, Girl, Stop Apologizing has been picked as a featured book title for Prime Day! What the heck does that mean? Sis, you can get Girl, Stop Apologizing for only $5.99 (that’s the price of your favorite sugary Starbucks drink). To make the deal even sweeter, I created a one-hour e-course about “How To Create A Roadmap To Achieve Your Goals” that you get for FREE when you purchase GSA! Check out the video below to see a sneak peek of what you’ll get! Ready to redeem? Head here to download your free video and get ready to crush your goals. 
  6. Instant Pot– If you’re new to my community, you probably don’t know that I started out as a food blogger! Cooking is something I love to do. BUT cooking of your family and a swarm of elementary school boys is a whole other story. I love the idea of having an Instant Pot for your family because it’s easy to use and takes half the time. Plus, there’s approximately one million recipes circling the internet. This is a great solution to make quick and healthy meals for your family!


If you’re overwhelmed by your goals and dreams (or maybe you don’t even know how to decide what a goal is) this video is for you! I’m diving into the steps you need to do to achieve a goal and how to make a roadmap to get there. Make sure  to grab your $5.99 Girl, Stop Apologizing ebook today and redeem your free video to help you chase down your goals! Check out the preview of what you’ll get below!


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