When it’s cold and rainy out there’s seriously nothing better than putting on stretchy pants and cozying up to a great movie (or five). My movie marathon essentials include my softest slippers, a cozy blanket, and ALL the snacks. I wanted to share with you a roundup of some of my favorite documentaries to watch when I’m camping out on the sofa with a glass of wine.

1. I Am Not Your Guru
In case you haven’t heard –though I don’t know how that’s possible because I talk about him constantly– Tony Robbins is my hero. If you’re not already familiar with his work, the I’m Not Your Guru is a documentary is a fantastic glance at what it’s like to attend one of his events. 


2. Desert Runners
Desert runners is amazing because it features a diverse cast of non-professional runners as they attempt to complete the most difficult ultramarathon race series on Earth. Their dramatic journey takes them across the World’s most picturesque yet brutal landscapes, pushing their bodies, hearts and spirits through a myriad of external and internal obstacles. This movie is AMAZING! It’s a testament to absolute power of mind over matter!


3. Iris
This documentary is the life story of Iris Apfel who has been a style and cultural icon for decades. I honestly hadn’t ever heard of Iris before watching this but I fell in love with her story, her energy and the beauty she finds in every aspect of life. I want to be her when I grow up.


4. Chicken People
Don’t laugh! I really did love Chicken People it because I adore learning about people who are SUPER into something I’ve never heard of. This movie is a funny and uplifting look at the world of show chickens– yes, that’s a thing– and the people who love them. It’s light and sweet and totally oddball but I thoroughly enjoyed it even if Dave thought I was a weirdo.



5. Food Inc.
An unflattering look inside America’s corporate controlled food industry. Documentary filmmaker Robert Kenner examines how mammoth corporations have taken over all aspects of the food chain in the United States, from the farms where our food is grown to the chain restaurants and supermarkets where it’s sold. It’s at times hard to watch, but so important to understand.

And if you’re ready to change out of those jammies… We are bringing the #MADEFORMOREMOVIE back to theaters! Y’all, this is more than a documentary. It’s a film packed with tools to help you discover the best version of yourself. An uplifting mix of encouragement, community, laughs and kick-you-in-the-rear motivation that will have you ready to reach for more? So, grab your girlfriends and get ready to laugh, cry, and feel inspired to chase your dreams. Get your tickets here!

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