Where are my overworked mamas out there? Or my ladies with anxiety? Let me tell ya sis. I’ve been there. I’ve done the late nights crying because I am so exhausted. I have had days, even months where doing daily tasks felt like a huge accomplishment.

If you’ve read Girl, Wash Your Face then you know the health problems I’ve worked through. I used to have debilitating anxiety. I used to get so stressed that my body was physically getting ill. It was at that point that I decided I needed help. I went to therapy, I hashed through the traumas of my life, my insecurities, and it worked.

I’m all about personal growth. I’m one of the biggest dreamers out there. But I think it’s important to look at where you’ve gone to know where you are heading. If you can’t own your past, how will you ever own your future?

I became more intentional with my life choices. I read stacks of personal growth books. Listened to hours of podcasts. I did everything I could to try to be a better mother, wife, and entrepreneur. I strived to grow in all the areas of my life. But I could have gotten there faster if I had a mentor or a tribe of women. I had days where all I wished was that I had a community of women to say – me too. A place where I could connect with a community to lift up other women and share my struggles too. That’s why I try to create an environment and community where women are able to inspire one another and lift each other up. Where women can say, “Hey, I’ve been through that.” This is what inspired me to start my new coaching series. So that women can have the opportunity to not only be coached by me every month but also be immersed in this community that is fixated on personal growth and reaching for more. 

To hear my full story, check out the video below.

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