how to organize your homework

I have two boys in elementary school and last year, whenever we sat down to do homework we’d need… a glue stick, or scissors, or a #2 pencil, or a pencil sharpener, or lined paper, or unlined paper, or, or, or. The list was so long and no matter how organized I think my crafts are we’d inevitably spend ages trying to find the one thing we needed in order to complete our work. 

This year I’m not taking any chances! I’m storing everything we might possibly ever need in one big organized bucket! I thought I’d share it with you today in case you need some help organizing homework in your house too! ~Rachel 

how to organize homeworkPack everything up and keep it stored in a special place in your kitchen (or wherever your kids do their work). Make a rule that items in the homework bucket are ONLY for homework and you won’t have to search for them again.

organizing kids work

kid doing homework