Ok, so ever since that picture of me in a bikini went viral I get loads of questions about my favorite bathing suits for moms. These questions make me feel a little silly since A: moms should be allowed to wear whichever bathing suit makes them feel confident and B: just because I wore a bathing suit in a really popular picture doesn’t make me an expert on swimwear.

But, then I thought about it some more and realized that actually, I do have a ton of opinions on what to wear if you’re going to be chasing your kids around while in swimwear. I mean, that’s just a whole barrel of monkeys, right? Because really, if you’re away on vacation with your love you might wear one type of suit and if you’re at the pool with your toddler that requires something else entirely. So here are my favorite bathing suits for moms this season.

Bathing Suits for Moms Sat 20

Yep, there I am again… in swimwear, on the internet. To be totally honest, the main reason I agreed to the idea for this post is that I really, really like these bikini tops from Splendid and I wanted to tell y’all about them. The whole idea is that you can wear them as a sports bra and/or a bikini top. Well, possibly some ladies could wear this as a sports bra, but I’m pretty sure if I tried to pull that off I’d be flopping around like a rodeo cowboy on a angry bull. But, since it does have more support and coverage than the average top AND the back has all sorts of cool adjustable straps, it makes the perfect bikini top for hanging out with my boys. The bottoms are super cute too because they’re bathing suit material with a built in bikini, but they’re little board shorts. Side note, I don’t know how your love feels, but for some reason my husband thinks tiny little shorts are the cutest thing in the world. Odd that he’d find these sexier than a regular bikini bottom, but he always freaks out when I wear them and gives me 900 compliments. But I digress, the point is, these are awesome for games of color war, sharks and minnows, ring diving, or whatever pool games you play with your kids. And nothing of importance will fall out while you’re at it.

Bathing Suits for Moms to Wear While Swimming with Kids

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If you want to shop for any of the items I’ve listed, scroll through the photos above and click on whatever you’re interested in for the link. My best advice for bathing suits for moms is a top that holds you in and covers you up and bottoms that do the same. I laid out some of my favorite options that you can use as a mix and match. Choose a top, mix and match with bottoms and don’t forget to accessorize with cheap sunglasses that you don’t mind losing when your three-year-old tosses them into the ocean. 

Mom Bathing Suits

Want to know what I pack in my beach bag? Check out this post!

Curious about how I keep my skin in shape all year long? Get the details here!