2020 has certainly been one for the books. The things we often look to when seeking happiness have been stripped away and  left us wondering what actually holds importance, and how do we move forward?

Some of us have found ourselves in the hardest season of our lives during quarantine. At the beginning of quarantine, Rachel began writing a book to share her ideas on how to get through hard seasons. Then, she entered into one of her most painful seasons of her own life, but kept writing. 

In her newest book, Didn’t See That Coming, Rachel shares how to embrace the difficult moments in life for the learning experiences they are. Speaking from personal experiences and with heartfelt honesty, she describes how a life well-lived means it is one of purpose, and focused on what is essential. Inspirational and aspirational, this small book is about big feelings, and an anchor that shows how the darkness can co-exist with the beautiful. 

Rachel recognizes the pain and heartache of this season. Whether it’s been an added burden of finances, loneliness or straight-up overwhelm, it’s been tough. If you pre-order the book in advance of September 29th, you’ll get an hour long class and a 16 page workbook  personalized by Rachel all about rebuilding your life. This class prepares you to engage with whatever that difficult thing is that you are processing, and setting you on the path toward rebuilding the life that you want.

Pre-order the book today and instantly receive this free course! 


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